Help Sherlett Run for the LAUSD School Board
YOU CAN GIVE A LITTLE AS $10, $20, $50 OR AS MUCH AS $1100 *
TO DONATE ONLINE - Please complete the form below then click NEXT to continue.
* Per state law, Employer and Occupation are required for all personal contributions.
If you are self-employed, please write "Self-Employed" in the Employer field, and describe your work under Occupation.
If you are retired, please write "Retired" in both fields.
Please note we cannot accept P.O. Boxes with your contribution, so please provide your residential address on the next page.
You will not need a PayPal account to donate. Thank you!
TO DONATE BY MAIL - Make your check payable to: Sherlett Hendy Newbill for School Board 2014
Mail contributions to:
Sherlett Hendy Newbill for School Board 2014
P.O. Box 78692
Los Angeles, CA 90016
* Per state law, Employer and Occupation are required for all personal contributions.
Please include your residential address, employer and occupation with your payment.
If you are self-employed, please note "Self-Employed" and describe your occupation.
If you are retired, please note "Retired."
* The maximum donation one can contribute is $1,100 per person.
FPPC ID# 1364989